Waste Transport Italy License

The Natura Giuridica company has been dealing with license for the transport of waste from to and through Italy for more than 10 years.

Natura Giuridica has been dealing with the registration with ANGA for the transport of waste to and from Italy, for many transport and logistics companies based in various EU countries: the main ones are: Poland, Spain, Romania, Estonia, Denmark and Latvia. 

Registration to ANGA

To transport waste to and from Italy it is necessary to obtain a license from the ANGA or “ALBO NAZIONALE GESTORI AMBIENTALI” (translated: National Register of Environmental Managers), which has offices in each of the 20 regions of Italy. You can register in any of these locations: the rules for registering and the time required are the same in each location, but the practice is slightly different from section to section.

Over the years we have registered hundreds of transport companies based in various EU countries; in addition to taking care of obtaining the authorization for our customers, we provide carriers with legal, administrative and management advice.

Our goal: to get you licensed as soon as possible

Our goal is for the customer to obtain Waste Transport Italy License in the shortest possible time, compatibly with the technical times of the Italian bureaucracy: thanks to the excellent close relationships with the regional secretariats of the Register, the work proceeds, in any case, in the shortest possible time.

More and more often, customers who have tried to register on their own or with the assistance of other companies or professionals turn to us, who have not been able to complete the registration procedure, and therefore the authorization to transport waste has not been obtained: once the task has been entrusted to Natura Giuridica, the authorization is obtained within the timescales indicated.

How to start using the services of Natura Giuridica?

Just write an email to transport.waste.italy@gmail.com or call 0039-3346326417, and ask for a quote; the estimate will be sent quickly and you will be shown ALL the administrative costs and the compensation for our company.

The estimate is modular: only assistance to obtain the authorization can be purchased, or other services can be added, such as the schedule or the purchase of a certain number of variations or “changes” to the ANGA registration for the fleet update.

To know more about licenses for the transport of waste from to and through Italy

To find out more, we invite you to read the articles already published on our site: